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The Tit-for-Tat Political Weaponization of the American Legal System

Lately the news, and our politicians have been loud about discussing the political weaponization of the American legal system. Accusations have risen from both sides, some have had validity, while others have been found to be baseless. The common theme here is that they all do more harm to the legal system than good in the way that they are presented.


Allegations of Democrat weaponization of the legal system:

  • Some political figures and commentators have alleged that the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, led by special counsel Robert Mueller, was politically motivated and designed to target President Trump and his associates. They argue that the investigation was conducted in a biased manner and that the evidence presented was insufficient to support the conclusions reached. The investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was launched by the FBI in July 2016, after it was discovered that Russian hackers had targeted the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and other political organizations. The investigation continued under the direction of special counsel Robert Mueller, who was appointed in May 2017. The investigation concluded in March 2019, with the release of the Mueller Report. The report found that Russian operatives had conducted a "sweeping and systematic" campaign to interfere in the election, including through the use of social media, hacking, and the dissemination of stolen emails. The report also found that members of the Trump campaign had contacts with Russian operatives, but did not establish sufficient evidence of a criminal conspiracy. Some political figures and commentators have alleged that the investigation was politically motivated and designed to target President Trump and his associates. They argue that the investigation was conducted in a biased manner, with investigators and prosecutors who were hostile to Trump and his agenda. They also argue that the evidence presented in the report was insufficient to support the conclusions reached, and that the report was therefore a politically motivated attack on the Trump administration. It is important to note that Robert Meuller was appointed by Rod Rosenstein who was himself appointed by then President Donald J Trump.

  • The impeachment proceedings against former President Trump in 2019 and 2021 have been characterized by some as politically motivated and designed to remove Trump from office rather than to pursue justice. They argue that the charges against Trump were based on flimsy evidence and that the proceedings were conducted in a biased manner. The impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump in both 2019 and 2021 were initiated by Democrats in the House of Representatives. In 2019, Trump was impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in connection with his efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rival, Joe Biden. In 2021, he was impeached for incitement of insurrection in connection with the storming of the Capitol by his supporters on January 6th. Some political figures and commentators have alleged that the impeachment proceedings were politically motivated and designed to remove Trump from office rather than to pursue justice. They argue that the charges against Trump were based on flimsy evidence and that the proceedings were conducted in a biased manner, with Democrats seeking to overturn the results of the 2016 election. Regardless of where you fall out, impeachment proceedings are always political in nature and in every instance, the House saw evidence of misconduct and the Senate found that evidence lacking. The system worked.

  • Some have alleged that the investigation into the business dealings of Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, was suppressed by Democrats in order to protect the Biden family from negative publicity. They argue that the investigation was politically motivated and that the evidence of wrongdoing was ignored or downplayed. The investigation into the business dealings of Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, was a topic of controversy during the 2020 presidential election. The investigation, which was conducted by the FBI and the U.S. Attorney's Office in Delaware, focused on Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine and China, particularly his work for a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma. Some political figures and commentators have alleged that the investigation was suppressed by Democrats in order to protect the Biden family from negative publicity. They argue that the investigation was politically motivated and that the evidence of wrongdoing was ignored or downplayed. supporters of the Biden family argue that the investigation was conducted in a fair and impartial manner, and that there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden or his father. They argue that the investigation was a politically motivated attempt to smear the Biden family and to undermine Joe Biden's presidential campaign. In December 2020, it was reported that the investigation had been ongoing since 2018, but that it had not uncovered any evidence of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden or his father. The investigation was closed without any charges being filed. Now, there is some purely circumstantial evidence to support allegations that the media and social media outlets suppressed the story during the 2020 elections, but again it is purely circumstantial and there is no evidence that the alleged cover up was done at the direction of the government.

  • Some have alleged that Democrats have used the legal system to cover up allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. They argue that lawsuits challenging the election results were dismissed in a biased manner and that evidence of fraud was ignored or suppressed. The 2020 presidential election was a highly contested election, with allegations of voter fraud and irregularities being raised by some political figures and commentators. These allegations were largely focused on the use of mail-in ballots and other changes to the voting process, which were implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some have alleged that Democrats have used the legal system to cover up allegations of voter fraud in the election. They argue that lawsuits challenging the election results were dismissed in a biased manner and that evidence of fraud was ignored or suppressed. However, supporters of the election results argue that there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, and that the lawsuits challenging the results were dismissed because they lacked merit or were based on unfounded claims. They argue that the legal system was used to ensure the integrity of the election and to protect the democratic process. It is important to note that the lawsuits alleging voter fraud have been dismissed by courts, and many of the lawyers who filed them have been sanctioned. Also, while there have been cases of voter fraud identified in the 2020 elections, none of it was widespread enough to have had any impact to the final result.


Allegations of Republican weaponization of the legal system:

  • Some political figures and commentators have alleged that Republicans have used the legal system to suppress voter turnout, particularly among communities of color, through tactics such as voter ID laws, purging of voter rolls, and gerrymandering of electoral districts. They argue that these tactics are designed to give Republicans an unfair advantage in elections and to undermine the democratic process. Voter suppression is a term used to describe efforts to prevent eligible voters from casting their ballots, often through restrictive voting laws and practices. Republicans have been accused of using voter suppression tactics to suppress turnout, particularly among communities of color, students, and other groups that tend to vote for Democrats. Examples of voter suppression tactics include strict voter ID laws, voter roll purges, and gerrymandering of electoral districts. Proponents of these tactics argue that they are necessary to prevent voter fraud and to ensure the integrity of the election process. However, critics argue that they are designed to give Republicans an unfair advantage in elections and to undermine the democratic process. Critics of these tactics argue that they disproportionately affect minority communities and other marginalized groups, making it more difficult for them to exercise their right to vote. For example, strict voter ID laws can make it difficult for low-income voters and the elderly to obtain the required ID, while voter roll purges can result in eligible voters being removed from the rolls. Importantly, in the years since the 2020 elections, many states implemented new laws that were contended by critics to be measures designed to suppress voter turn out. Interestingly, the 2022 mid term elections, was reported to have the highest turnout of any mid-term elections and the results mirrored the pre-voting polling. Aside from some reports of longer lines and broken poling machines, there was no evidence to suggest that the changes had any effect on the end result.

  • Some have alleged that Republicans, including former President Trump, have attempted to use the legal system to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, despite the lack of evidence of widespread voter fraud. They argue that these attempts are politically motivated and designed to undermine the legitimacy of the election and the democratic process. Following the election, former President Donald Trump and his supporters made numerous claims of voter fraud and irregularities, despite these claims being widely debunked by election officials and courts across the country. In the weeks and months following the election, Trump and his legal team filed numerous lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the results in several key battleground states. However, these lawsuits were largely unsuccessful, with courts finding no evidence of widespread voter fraud or irregularities. Despite these setbacks, some Republicans continued to challenge the election results, with several Republican lawmakers objecting to the certification of the results in Congress on January 6, 2021. This led to the storming of the Capitol by Trump supporters, resulting in the deaths of several people and widespread condemnation from both sides of the political spectrum. Critics of these efforts argue that they were politically motivated and designed to undermine the democratic process and the will of the American people. They also argue that these efforts have contributed to a climate of distrust and division in the country, and have undermined public confidence in the electoral process. Importantly, the alleged efforts to overturn the election have resulted in various investigations into misconduct by those acting on behalf of the Trump campaign, the most significant being the investigation playing out in Georgia.

  • Some have accused Republicans of attempting to pack the courts with conservative judges in order to advance their political agenda. They argue that this is an attempt to politicize the judiciary and to undermine the independence of the courts. Court packing is a term used to describe efforts to increase the number of judges on a court, often with the goal of influencing its decisions and advancing a political agenda. Republicans have been accused of attempting to pack the courts with conservative judges in order to advance their political agenda. One example of this is the nomination and confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett in 2020. Barrett's confirmation was controversial, as it occurred just weeks before the presidential election, and Democrats accused Republicans of rushing the process in order to secure a conservative majority on the Court. Democrats argued that this was an attempt to politicize the judiciary and to undermine the independence of the courts. Another example of this would be the Republican senate stonewalling former President Obama's appointment of Merck Garland to the Supreme Court. At the time Republicans argued that the vacancy on the Supreme Court should not be filled until after the presidential elections, citing what they called the "Biden rule." Critics on the other hand, argued that the actions of the Republican majority in the Senate represented a politically motivated effort to pack the court and obstruct the normal functioning of Government for political gain. Republicans have defended their actions, arguing that they are simply filling vacancies on the courts with qualified judges who will interpret the law impartially. They also argue that Democrats have engaged in similar tactics in the past, particularly under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It is important to note the perceived hypocrisy of the Republican Party in their contrasting actions during two very similar scenarios.

  • Some have alleged that Republicans, including former President Trump, have used executive power to bypass the legal system and to implement policies that are not supported by the majority of the American people. They argue that this is an abuse of power that undermines the democratic process. This allegation is particularly focused on former President Donald Trump, who was accused of using his executive power to bypass the legal system and implement policies that were not supported by the majority of the American people. Examples of this include Trump's travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries, his efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and his controversial border wall with Mexico. Critics argue that these policies were implemented without proper consideration for their legality or their impact on the American people, and that they were designed to advance Trump's political agenda rather than to serve the public interest. Republicans have defended Trump's actions, arguing that he was simply using his executive power to implement policies that he believed were in the best interests of the American people. They argue that Democrats have engaged in similar tactics in the past, particularly under President Barack Obama. Of note, the use of executive orders to bypass the slower, more traditional legislative process has been employed by presidents of both parties throughout American history so it could be argued that this is an example that applies to both Democrats and Republicans.


At the end of the day, our two party system has led to a "tit for tat" process in which the party in power leverages their control over the American legal system to single out its opposition. The dangers here are clear, and can be seen in countless examples of nations that fall victim to authoritarian regimes. As citizens, we need to recognize this pattern and actively participate in the democratic process to prevent any further slippage toward authoritarianism. Neither party should be allowed to leverage control against the opposition.

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